Have CFO Techniques Inc.. handle your Income Tax preparation and filling done timely, accurately and professionally.

Personal Income Tax (T1)T1 Tax Preparation and Filing - CFO Techniques Inc..

  • Streamline and report your income slips properly, T3, T4, T4A, T5, T 5013, etc
  • Self-employed incomes report, T2125
  • Rental incomes report, T776
  • Maximize your family tax benefits: Childcare benefits, Working Income Tax benefits, Carbon tax, Trillium Benefits, etc
  • Tax residents and Non-residents. The tax treaty between Canada and other countries
  • Capital gain/(loss) report for Property investment and Securities investments

Business Income Tax (T2)

  • Review to make sure your sales, expenses, and profits are accurately filed with Tax Authority
  • Provide you with valuable advice for tax compliance and tax saving
  • Assist you in opening/closing your Payroll account and GST account

Please call us at 604-818-2242 or contact us to find out how we can help.

Contact Us


CFO Techniques Inc.
21 - 6575 192 Street
Surrey, BC
V4N 5T8

Phone: 604-818-2242